Transaction attempt

This represents a transaction, an attempt to process a payment. It varies according to the payment method. For one payment, there can be several transaction attempts with different payment methods.

Name Type Description API Version
date Integer The date of the transaction attempt (UTC timestamp milliseconds) >= 002.50
amount Integer The transaction amount in cents (for 1€ => 100) >= 002.50
paymentType String(32) The method of payment. See possible values here. Values Chargeback and Reversal are also possible for API >= 002.51. >= 002.50, < 002.60
provider String(64) The name of the provider used to process the transaction in the case the payment type supports more than one provider. See possible values here. >= 002.51, < 002.60
paymentMethod String(32) The method of payment. See possible values here. Values Chargeback and Reversal are also possible in this case. >= 002.60
paymentNetwork String(32) The network for the payment method. See possible values here. >= 002.60
paymentMeanInfo Object Details on the payment mean. Will vary according to the paymentType. See a description of the structure = 002.50
shopper Object Details of the shopper information. See a description of the structure >= 002.50
operation String(32) The type of operation of the transaction. Can be sale, authorize, submission or collection (002.50). API >= 002.51 adds refund_request, refund, rebill, cancel. Empty for Chargeback and Reversal payment types >= 002.50
resultCode String(3) Result code of the transaction (see API Response Codes for possible values) >= 002.50
resultMessage String(255) Human readable message associated with the code >= 002.50
status String(32) Human readable status of the transaction. Could be Authorized, Not authorized >= 002.50
transactionID String(20) Unique identifier of the transaction >= 002.50
refTransactionID String(20) Unique identifier of the transaction this transaction refers to (i.e. for a refund, contains the identifier of the refunded transaction) >= 002.51
providerTransactionID String(100) Unique identifier of the transaction at the provider side >= 002.60
subscriptionID Integer Initial subscription reference (to be used to cancel the automated rebilling, only present if the transaction is type Recurrent) >= 002.50
orderID String(100) The merchant internal unique order identifier as provided during payment creation >= 002.61
orderDescription String(500) The description of the product purchased by the customer as provided during payment creation >= 002.61
isTest Boolean Indicates if the transaction was done in test mode >= 002.62