API Response Codes

When receiving a response message, you should always first check that the errorCode field is present and set to 000. If errorCode is not set to 000, some fields may be missing from the response (even if they are marked as mandatory).

Response code Response Message
000 Transaction successfully completed
001 Declined by issuer
003 Invalid merchant
004 Invalid card
005 Authorization declined
006 Sequence- generation- number error - diagnostics necessary
007 CVV is mandatory but not set or invalid
012 Invalid Transaction
013 Invalid Amount
015 Card Issuer unknown
021 No action taken
030 Format Error
031 Card Issuer not approved
033 Card expired
034 Customer limits exceeded
035 Transaction not permitted to cardholder
041 Lost card
043 Pick up card (Stolen card)
051 Insufficient funds - Limit exceeded override possible
054 Expired card
055 Incorrect PIN (Personal Identification Number)
056 Card not in authorizer’s database
057 Card does not match the card of the original transaction; when Refund attempt, Card busy with reservation, balancing, or tip update
058 Terminal ID unknown
061 Card is blocked in local block list
062 Restricted card
064 The transaction amount of the referencing transaction is higher than the transaction amount of the original transaction
065 Soft decline - SCA required
075 PIN entered incorrectly too often
076 Key index not allowed
077 PIN entry necessary
080 Amount no longer available
081 Message-flow error
082 Pre-initialization is not allowed (Terminal blocked)
085 Rejected by Credit Card Institute
089 CRC is incorrect
091 Card issuer temporarily not reachable
092 The card type is not processed by the authorization center
094 Duplicated requests
096 System malfunction
097 Security breach - MAC check indicates error condition
098 Trace number not sequential further diagnostic required
099 Error in PAC encryption detected
102 Contact card issuer
103 The merchant must contact the acquirer
120 Pending result
155 Invalid date or date format
300 Missing field
301 Length of input parameter exceed maximum length allowed
302 Request from IP not allowed
303 Request from website url not allowed
304 Website verification failed, wrong websiteID or password
305 Merchant account is disabled
306 Amount must be a positive integer
307 Invalid card number format
308 Expire year must be a full year e.g. 2008
309 Expire month must be 2 digits e.g. 07
310 Card verification code(CVV) must be 3 or 4 digits
311 Invalid customer IP
312 The transaction with the given ID does not exists or is not related to the given websiteID
313 Operation not allowed for the merchant
315 Unknown field
316 Invalid type for field
317 Request from CN not allowed
318 API constraint violation
410 Rejected - attempting to capture a non-AUTH transaction
411 Rejected - attempting to capture an unsuccessful AUTH transaction
412 Rejected - attempting to capture an already captured AUTH transaction
413 Rejected - attempting to capture a too large amount
414 Rejected - attempting to capture a cancelled AUTH transaction
415 Rejected - attempting to capture an AUTH transaction associated with a subscription
420 Rejected - attempting to cancel a non-AUTH transaction
421 Rejected - attempting to cancel an unsuccessful AUTH transaction
422 Rejected - attempting to cancel an already cancelled AUTH transaction
423 Rejected - attempting to cancel an captured AUTH transaction
430 Rejected - attempting to perform a refund on a non-captured transaction
431 Rejected - attempting to perform a refund on unsuccessful capture transaction
432 Rejected - attempting to perform a refund on an already refunded transaction
433 Rejected - attempting to perform a refund with a too large amount
440 Rejected - attempting to rebill a non-captured transaction
441 Rejected - attempting to rebill an unsuccessful capture transaction
442 Rejected - attempting to rebill an invalid referral transaction
460 A refund on Amex can first be done after 24 hours of the original transaction
470 A refund on Todito can only occur within the 24 hours following the original transaction
500 Card is blocked
501 E-mail is blocked
502 Customer IP is blocked
510 Sale call not allowed
512 Authorize call not allowed
514 Capture call not allowed
515 Refund call not allowed
516 Cancel call not allowed
517 Rebill call not allowed
518 Address Verification Service (AVS) not allowed
519 Fraud Screening (FS) not allowed
520 Secure 3D not allowed
521 Credit (CFT) call not allowed
522 Secure 3D information are mandatory
523 Secure 3D information not allowed
530 The amount is smaller than the defined lower limit
531 The amount is greater than the defined upper limit
540 Turnover per day on sale transactions exceeded
541 Turnover per month on sale transactions exceeded
542 Turnover per day on capture transactions exceeded
543 Turnover per month on capture transactions exceeded
544 Turnover per day on authorize transactions exceeded
545 Turnover per month on authorize transactions exceeded
550 Number of sale transactions per minute exceeded
551 Number of sale transactions per day exceeded
552 Number of sale transactions per month exceeded
553 Number of authorize transactions per minute exceeded
554 Number of authorize transactions per day exceeded
555 Number of authorize transactions per month exceeded
556 Number of capture transactions per minute exceeded
557 Number of capture transactions per day exceeded
558 Number of capture transactions per month exceeded
559 Number of refund transactions per minute exceeded
560 Number of refund transactions per day exceeded
561 Number of refund transactions per month exceeded
562 Number of sale transactions per hour exceeded
563 Number of authorize transactions per hour exceeded
564 Number of capture transactions per hour exceeded
565 Number of refund transactions per hour exceeded
580 Multiple transactions within 5 min after success is declined
581 Multiple transactions within 1 hour after decline is declined
582 Customer country doesn’t match with iin country
583 IP country doesn’t match with iin country
584 Country in blacklist
585 Too many rejected transactions in a row
586 Turnover has exceeded the defined restriction
587 Number of transactions has exceeded the defined restriction
590 Suspicion of fraud
591 Suspicion of fraud from internal fraud system
592 Revocation of all e recurring payments for the card at the merchant
593 Revocation of all recurring payments for the card
600 Invalid AVS policy. Must be either NI, ABNI, WZPNI, ABWZPNI, IGNORE or SKIP”
601 Address, Zipcode, and CountryCode must be provided to perform AVS
620 Invalid FS policy. Must be either DENY, CHALLENGE, ERROR, IGNORE or SKIP
621 Fraud Screening not enabled on the provider
650 Card not enrolled for 3D Secure
651 Invalid S3D data
652 Card enrolment information not available
653 ACS message or signature is invalid
654 Unable to connect to the Visa Directory Server
655 3DS authentication required
656 3DS authentication failed
657 3DS authentication was impossible
658 Error Parsing VERes
659 Message element error
660 Invalid offer ID
661 Offer is disabled or pending validation
663 Amount in request doesn’t match the offer
665 Currency in request doesn’t match the offer
670 Invalid trialPeriod
671 Invalid rebillPeriod
672 Invalid rebillRepeat value
673 Subscription fields missing
674 Subscription has already expired
675 InstantConversion impossible (subscription not trial)
676 InstantConversion impossible (subscription already rebilled)
677 InstantConversion impossible (subscriptionType not eligible)
678 Invalid SubscriptionID
680 Invalid subscriptionType
682 rebillPeriod cannot be null for this subscriptionType
683 rebillMaxIteration cannot be null for this subscriptionType
684 rebillAmount cannot be null for this subscriptionType
685 trialPeriod must be null for this subscriptionType
686 rebillPeriod must be null for this subscriptionType
687 rebillMaxIteration must be null for this subscriptionType
688 rebillMaxIteration must equals 1 for this subscriptionType
690 Subscription from API is disabled
691 Payment mean expires before end of subscription
700 Misused TRA exemption
720 Invalid value for blacklist flag
730 Too many elements to export
731 Time interval too wide (exceeds 2 months)
732 Invalid transactionOperation
733 Invalid transactionErrorCode
734 Invalid transactionType
9** Rejected from the bank without any specifying reason