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Payment Page API
- Create a Payment
- Consult Payment Status
- Consult Transaction information
- Export Transactions List
- Callbacks
- Capture a Transaction
- Cancel a Transaction
- Refund a Transaction
- Rebill a Transaction
- Cancel a Subscription
- Process a direct WeChat payment
- Process a direct Alipay payment
- API Account Information
- Reference
Payment Gateway API
Structure that stores the information of the shipping for a transaction attempts.
Name | Type | Description | API Version |
name | String(80) | Name of customer’s as in shipping address | >= 002.70 |
company | String(128) | Cardholder’s shipping address’s company | >= 002.70 |
address1 | String(255) | First line of the street address or equivalent | >= 002.70 |
address2 | String(255) | Second line of the street address or equivalent | >= 002.70 |
address3 | String(255) | Third line of the street address or equivalent | >= 002.70 |
zipcode | String(16) | ZIP or other postal code of the Cardholder shipping address | >= 002.70 |
city | String(50) | City portion of the shipping address | >= 002.70 |
state | String(3) | The state or province of the Cardholder. ISO-3166-2 state codes | >= 002.70 |
countryCode | String(2) | ISO-3166-1 country codes. | >= 002.70 |
phone | String(20) | Cardholder’s shipping address phone | >= 002.70 |
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