Payment Mean Information object

Payment Type Information is a JSON object that varies according to the payment type.

Credit card

Name Type Description API Version
cardNumber String(40) The card number (truncated) >= 002.02
cardExpireYear String(4) Expiration year of the card >= 002.02
cardExpireMonth String(2) Expiration month of the card >= 002.02
cardHolderName String(80) Name of the card holder >= 002.02
cardToken UUID Unique token for the credit card (requires specific agreement) >= 002.71
cardBrand String(24) Brand of the card, see below for possible values >= 002.02
cardLevel String(40) Level of the card, see below for possible values >= 002.02
cardSubType String(16) Sub type of the card, see below for possible values >= 002.02
iinCountry String(2) ISO2 country code of the issuer of the card >= 002.02
iinBankName String(255) Card Issuer Bank Name >= 002.02
is3DSecure Boolean The liability shift for 3D Secure. Can be true or false >= 002.02
statementDescriptor String(64) Statement descriptor that will be displayed on the shopper bank statement >= 002.50

Card brands

Name Description
visa Visa card
mcrd Mastercard card
maes Maestro card
naca National card
amex American Express card
cup China Union Pay card
dine Diners Club card
disc Discover card
jcbc JCB Card
aura Aura card
elo Elo card
hipe Hipercard
laser Laser card
solo Solo card
unavailable Card brand unavailable

Card level


Card Sub type

charge card

WeChat Pay (only present in API >= 002.70)

Name Type Description
totalFee integer Total amount of purchase in Chinese currency (in cents)
exchangeRate double Exchange rate applied in purchase’s total amount

Alipay (only present in API >= 002.70)

Name Type Description
totalFee integer Total amount of purchase in Chinese currency (in cents)
exchangeRate double Exchange rate applied in purchase’s total amount

Bank Transfer

Name Type Description
sender BankAccount object The sender account
recipient BankAccount object The recipient account

Direct Debit

Name Type Description API Version
bankAccount BankAccount object The bank account object (see below) >= 002.50
statementDescriptor String(64) Statement descriptor that will be displayed on the shopper bank statement >= 002.50
collectedAt Integer Timestamp (in milliseconds) for the date of collection of the transaction >= 002.50

Bank Account

Name Type Description API Version
holderName String(80) The account holder name >= 002.50
bankName String(255) Name of the bank of the account >= 002.50
iban String(34) IBAN number of the account (truncated) >= 002.50
bic String(11) BIC number of the account >= 002.50
countryCode String(2) ISO2 country code of the account >= 002.50
sepaMandate SepaMandate Object The SEPA mandate associated with this account (see below) >= 002.50

SEPA Mandate

Name Type Description API Version
description String(255) Mandate description >= 002.50
status String(32) Status of the mandate: PENDING_SIGNATURE, AUTOSIGNED, SIGNED, EXPIRED, REVOKED or USED >= 002.50
type String(12) Type of mandate: RECURRENT or ONETIME >= 002.50
scheme String(4) Mandate scheme: CORE, COR1 or B2B >= 002.50
signatureType String(16) Type of signature for the mandate: CHECKBOX, BIOMETRIC or SMS >= 002.50
phoneNumber String(20) Phone number used in case of SMS signature >= 002.50
signedAt Integer Timestamp (in milliseconds) for the date of signature of the mandate >= 002.50
createdAt Integer Timestamp (in milliseconds) for the date of creation of the mandate >= 002.50
lastUsedAt Integer Timestamp (in milliseconds) for the date of last usage of the mandate >= 002.50
downloadUrl String(2048) URL to download the mandate document >= 002.50

Todito Cash

Name Type Description API Version
cardNumber String(30) The card number (truncated) >= 002.02


Name Type Description API Version
date Integer Timestamp (in milliseconds) for the date of the chargeback >= 002.51
reasonCode String(255) Reason code of the chargeback >= 002.51