Payment Gateway API

This document describes the Server to Server API which enables merchants and PSPs to integrate PayXpert payment solutions transparent and seamlessly. Prior to use you should have submitted an application and supporting documents to receive an originator ID and a password. All examples are using a generic originatorId and password that must be change prior to their execution.

Using the Server to Server API, the merchant transmits all the informations required to make the payment directly to PayXpert system via an HTTP request. The merchant is responsible for collecting and storing sensitive payment details of his customers. He must ensure the confidentiality and security of those details.

A separate account permits to access the backoffice where summary statistics, individual transactions details are available. Operation can also be manually done on transactions (like refunds, rebill…). The backoffice is available at:

For integration questions please email: .

General Information

The Payment Gateway API is based on the REST principle. In short the calls are manipulating (fetching, creating, deleting…) resources identified by URIs by applying a method (standard HTTP methods).

Environment Base Url
Type Url Method Version
CCSale /transaction/sale/creditcard POST >= 0200
CCAuthorize /transaction/authorize/creditcard POST >= 0200
ToditoSale /transaction/sale/todito POST >= 0200
3DSCheck /transaction/3dscheck/creditcard POST >= 0200
3DSParse /transaction/{transactionID}/3dsparse POST >= 0200
3DSAuth /transaction/3dsauth POST >= 0208
Refund /transaction/{transactionID}/refund POST >= 0200
Credit /transaction/{transactionID}/credit POST >= 0200
Capture /transaction/{transactionID}/capture POST >= 0200
Cancel /transaction/{transactionID}/cancel POST >= 0200
Rebill /transaction/{transactionID}/rebill POST >= 0200
CancelSubscription /subscription/{subscriptionID}/cancel POST >= 0200
InstantConversion /subscription/{subscriptionID}/instantconversion POST >= 0200
StatusTransaction /transaction/{transactionID} GET >= 0200
StatusSubscription /subscription/{subscriptionID} GET >= 0200
BlacklistTransaction /transaction/{transactionID}/blacklist POST >= 0200
BlacklistValue /blacklist POST >= 0200
ExportTransaction /transactions(/{transactionOperation}) GET >= 0200
ExportSubscription /subscriptions GET >= 0200
ExportSubscriptionOffer /subscription/offer/{offerID} GET >= 0202

The strings in the URL between {} are dynamic parameters that must be replaced by the corresponding references (for example the transaction ID on which the call will act on).
The strings in the URL between () are optional parameters.


The authentication during the API calls is using the standard HTTP basic authentication. The user and password to use are the originator ID and password provided at subscription.

Naming convention

The API uses the camelCase naming convention for parameter names as in cardSecurityCode. Acronyms and initials such as IP or ID remain in upper case as in customerIP, AVSPolicy or CAVV.

Data character encoding

Every data transmitted and received is encoded in UTF-8 character set.

Data Transmission Format


Requests towards the payment gateway consists in standard HTTP method with parameters.

In case of POST requests, the parameters must be transmitted in the body of the request as a JSON structure. In case of GET requests, the parameters are transmitted as standard parameters in the URL.


Every responses from the payment gateway consist in a JSON structure in the body of the response.

This is a sample of the output you will get in when calling a CCSale function:

{"transactionID":512345,"errorCode":"000","errorMessage":"Transaction successfully completed","statementDescriptor":""}


API revisions

Revision Date Description
0200 2011-07-19 Draft
0202 2012-08-27 Stable
0203 2015-01-21 Stable
0204 2015-11-18 Stable
0205 2016-04-12 Stable
0206 2016-05-31 Stable
0207 2016-08-22 Stable
0208 2020-12-15 Stable
0209 2024-01-15 Stable